At St Mary’s, we use RWI Spelling which is an interactive spelling programme which teaches spellings in a fun and engaging way.  When children have reached the end of the phonics programme, they then begin their learning of exploring a range of spelling rules and strategies. This consists of regular, pacey spelling activities centred on a key spelling rule or strategy.  This programme is also based around the stage not age model, where we look closely of the spelling in application aiding confidence during independent writing.

  • We use a set structure of spellings from Y1-6 using Oxford Owl.
  • Children have a Home spelling book to practice weekly spellings at home and Spelling test book for their weekly spelling test which takes place on a Friday.
  • Spellings from previous week are tested on Fridays and then new spellings for the following week to be introduced using video, games and worksheets during a spelling lesson.
  • Weekly spellings are practised during morning SODA activities and as a starter/plenary in English lessons.
  • Children in KS2 working below age related expectations have phonics-based spellings.