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Curriculum Statement and Implementation

  • At St Mary’s our aim in daily English lessons is to teach and inspire you to enjoy and engage in a wide variety of books. Our goal is to encourage you to take pride in your writing, write clearly and adapt the vocabulary and writing style you use across different genres. We want you to be able to communicate effectively through your speaking and listening, as well as your writing, to become confident readers, taking enjoyment from every lesson. Through our teaching, we will show you how to write for different audiences and purposes, using your imagination and accurate punctuation, grammar and spelling. We make sure that every lesson is tailored to all your needs and any barriers to your learning are supported through our teaching and resources.


  • At St Mary’s we want to develop your love of reading and writing through inspirational, diverse texts with opportunities to share ideas through your speaking and writing. In our English learning journey we make sure you have the chance to develop your skills of editing and improve your own pieces of work with the use of “active vocabulary” and pit stops. We assess independent pieces of writing at the end of each learning journey against your year group writing targets. We want to encourage you to speak with confidence and feel a valuable member of the class in an environment filled with fantastic displays showcasing your work, informing you of the learning journey and including active vocabulary and resources to support your learning.

We tailor our curriculum for the needs of our children by ensuring our English curriculum meets our curriculum drivers (See Appendix: Curriculum drivers for English).

  • Aspiration curriculum driver: we develop a love of reading and writing through using inspirational, diverse texts.
  • Communication curriculum driver: we articulate ideas through speaking and writing regardless of any speech and language barriers.
  • Knowledge of the world curriculum driver: pupils have exposure to a range of high quality texts and genres with multi-cultural links.
  • Communication curriculum driver: pupils develop skills for editing and improving work alongside reading different texts and performing poetry in various ways. Pupils are encouraged to speak with confidence as every child is valued.
  • Aspiration and Communication curriculum driver: pupils use and understand a high range of vocabulary in every lesson with the use of ‘Active Vocabulary’ displays and ‘Vocabulary boxes’. Through this we close the vocabulary word gap so that children have a clear knowledge and skills progression of vocabulary in each year group from EYFS to Year Six.