Please see details below of staff who have responsibility for our curriculum and the wider life of our school:

Mrs V Minihane Principal DDSL
Catholic Life/Collective Worship/Wider Religion
Behaviour, Attendance & Inclusion
Curriculum – Teaching, Learning & Assessment
Professional Development
Pupil Premium
MAC Academy Improvement Leader
Mrs S Smith Vice Principal DSL
Y4-Y6 Behaviour
Curriculum - access and inclusion for all learners
Induction Tutor for new staff
Senior Mental Health Leader (Jan 2023)
Mrs K Cox Vice Principal DDSL
RE/Catholic Life/Collective Worship/Wider Religion
Diocesan CSI Inspector
Y1-Y3 Behaviour
Assessment Leader (& KS1 SATS/Y1 Phonics)
Induction Tutor for new staff
ECT Coordinator (for one year only)
Miss P Blake Inclusion and Wellbeing Support Assistant Attendance
Behaviour and Pastoral Support
DDSL (core training to be completed spring 2023)
Mrs K Walton EYFS Leader
Reception Teacher
EYFS Leader
DT Leader
ECT Mentor
(core training to be completed spring 2023)
Mrs R Lewis Nursery Teacher (ECT)
Miss C Morton Reception Teacher RWI (phonics) Leader
Mrs G Webb Y1 Teacher Outdoor Learning Leader
Infants School Council
ECT Mentor
Mrs L Belcher Y1 Teacher (ECT)
Mrs K Granger Y2 Teacher (ECT)
Mrs J Allen Y2 Teacher English Leader - Reading (caretaking writing for maternity cover)
KS1 SATs Leader
Art Leader
ECT Mentor
Equality Officer
Educational Visits Co-ordinator
Miss D Lindsey Y3 Teacher ECT (second year)
Junior School Council
Mrs G Ralph Y3 Teacher Eco-Schools
Mr P Aplin Y4 Teacher Collective Worship/ Hymn Practice
Music Leader
Miss E Tidmarsh Y4 Teacher MFL Leader
Shadow Science Leader
Juniors School Council
Mrs R Singleton Y5 Teacher History Leader
Cultural Capital Leader
Wider Curriculum/Family Learning Leader
ECT Mentor
ECT/ITT Co-ordinator
Mr D Russell Y5 Teacher House/Intra-school Competitions
Support with external competitions/ leadership
Geography Leader (caretaking for maternity cover)
Mrs N Hudson Y6 Teacher Personal Development Leader
Mental Health Champions Leader
Wellbeing Award Leader
Senior Mental Health Leader (Jan 2023)
Miss J Avery Y6 Teacher Computing Leader
Digital Ambassador
Digital Safety Leader
KS2/3 Transition
Mrs E Glawinska Y6 and Pupil Premium Teacher Science Leader
EAL Leader
Professional Development Leader
School-led tutor
Miss A Halpin EYFS/KS1 Teacher British Values Leader
Maths Leader (caretaking for maternity cover)
Outdoor Learning Leader and Nature Friendly Schools
Equality Officer
Mrs S Cooke Y6 Mentor KS2 SATs Leader
PSHE/ Relationships Education Leader
Wellbeing Award Leader
School-led tutor
Miss S Williams PE Teacher PE Leader
PE and Sports Premium
Playground Games
Competitions Manager
Extended schools
Mrs R Gemmell Maternity Leave English Leader -Writing
Y5/6 Interventions
Miss K McTaggart Maternity Leave Maths Leader
Maths Specialist Teacher
Pupil Premium Interventions
Mrs B Marshall Maternity Leave KS2 School Council
Geography Leader
Miss S Pushkarna HLTA HLTA in LKS2 (Y3 base)
School-led tutor
Mr L Nicholas HLTA HLTA in KS1 (Y2 base)
Intra-school competitions support
School-led tutor
Mrs R Howell HLTA HLTA in EYFS (maternity leave)
Mental Health First Aider
Miss T Rutter Teaching Assistant TA in Y2
Mini bus Assistant (Attendance)
GoRead Leader
Miss E Downing Teaching Assistant TA in Y5
Mental Health First Aider
Mrs H Woods Teaching Assistant School-led tutor