At St Mary’s all year six pupils have the opportunity to train to become a Playground Leader, we believe that leadership is important to help prepare our pupils for the wider world. All children have the opportunity to apply for a position as a playground leader by completing an application, which can be completed at home, with or without support. Successful participants will complete the first Sports Coach UK leadership award- PlayMaker Award.

During their training our leaders will learn how to lead others and develop basic skills help them progress as a leader using the leaders P (Participants), A (Area), C (Communication) and E (Equipment).

After completing their training our leaders organise playground activities, engaging with pupils from all year groups. Our leaders use a range of resources and equipment to ensure that playtime is fun for all.



At lunchtime our leaders are easy to identify with their colourful lanyards.




In accordance with the Gold School Games Mark Criteria we aim to engage 15% of our pupils in leading, managing and officiating activities.

Our amazing new playground: