EYFS Vision Statement
‘Early Years Foundation Stage Vision: For all our pupils to make excellent progress; developing their knowledge and skills through carefully planned, language rich, play-based activities that reflect their needs and interests thus fully preparing them for the next phase in their education by removing all barriers to learning specific to our children’.
Curriculum Statement and Implementation
At St Marys Catholic Primary Academy we understand that the Early Years Foundation Stage is crucial in securing solid foundations for our children and prepares them for the next stage of their education. The curriculum in Early Years is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils. We base our teaching and learning on ‘Development Matters’ and use children’s prior knowledge and interests to plan fun, stimulating activities to support their development across the seven areas of learning;
1. Communication and Language
2. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
3. Physical Development
4. Literacy
5. Mathematics
6. Understanding the World
7. Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout all of these areas of learning and at the heart of our EYFS are the “Characteristics of Effective Learning”
We strive to develop these key characteristics of ‘Playing and Learning’, ‘Active Learning’ and ‘Thinking Critically’ in order to give the children the skills that they will continue to draw upon throughout their development.
All of the crucial skills, knowledge and vocabulary that we teach are presented to the children throughout the year gradually, building on prior skill, knowledge and understanding. Observations of and interactions with children ensure that children’s individual interests are captured and developed through challenging and engaging continuous and enhanced provision
Our learning environment, both indoors and outdoors are adapted when needed to meet the differing and developing needs of the children in our care. We aim to ensure that these areas are always stimulating and exciting and that, importantly, they are accessible to and challenge all children, regardless of where they are on their developmental journey. The environments are developed to promote independence within our children and allow them to access the curriculum independently and confidently with the necessary level of support and challenge.
By the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage the majority of children will have reached their personal best and achieved outstanding progress. Aiming for a good level of development measure (GLD) they will have achieved at least the expected level in the ELGs across the Prime Areas of Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and in the Specific Areas of Literacy and Mathematics. All children will have made significant personal progress across all areas of learning. Our ambition is for all of our pupils to access the full EYFS Curriculum. All pupils, including those with additional needs will be supported to provide them with full accessibility to all aspects of the EYFS provision.
Our ambition is for all of our pupils to access the full EYFS Curriculum. These pupils will be supported to provide them with full accessibility to all aspects of the EYFS provision.
EYFS Documents
DfE - Development Matters.pdf
pdf24.6 MbSep 19th, 2023 -
EYFS Curriculum Offer & Drivers 2023.pdf
pdf198.2 KbSep 19th, 2023 -
EYFS ELG Breakdown 2023.pdf
pdf1.4 MbSep 19th, 2023 -
EYFS Framework.pdf
pdf602.6 KbSep 19th, 2023 -
Nursery Overview 2023-24.pdf
pdf202.6 KbSep 19th, 2023 -
Nursery Pen Portrait.pdf
pdf198.0 KbNov 24th, 2021 -
Reception Baseline Assessment - Information for Parents.pdf
pdf406.6 KbSep 19th, 2023 -
Reception Overview 2023-24.pdf
pdf295.9 KbSep 19th, 2023 -
Reception Pen Portrait.pdf
pdf219.0 KbNov 24th, 2021 -
What to Expect in the EYFS.pdf
pdf6.0 MbMay 26th, 2022