Learning about the religion and cultures of those who do not share the Catholic faith is one of the ways in which Catholic schools embody the call to love one’s neighbour. As the Church says, “The love for all men and women is necessarily also a love for their culture. Catholic schools are, by their very vocation, intercultural.” (Congregation for Catholic Education p61).
Throughout each academic year, our children at St Mary’s will learn about other faiths during our Wider Religion lessons, promoting two of our Fundamental British Values – mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Studying other faiths allows children to “think and speak respectfully of other religions and their followers, and to learn” (Pope Francis, August 2013).
At St Mary’s, children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 explore festivals and celebrations across all world religions.
As they progress through the school, they then study a different world religion each year.
The long term overview for the studying of the world religions is:
Year 2 – Sikhism
Year 3 – Hinduism
Year 4 – Buddhism
Year 5 – Judaism
Year 6 – Islam
Staff enhance the teaching of wider religion by planning enrichment opportunities such as Now Press Play experiences, visits to places of worship and inviting visitors into school.
Here are some examples of what happens in our Wider Religion lessons: