Curriculum Statement and Implementation

In our school, the curriculum hours in RE are non-negotiable. At least 10% of curriculum time is dedicated to the taught subject of RE. Consideration is given to the times in which RE is taught and this is reviewed by the Senior Leadership Team. The RE lead supports staff in high quality planning and delivery of RE lessons following the ‘Learning & Growing as the People of God’ strategy. Each year group will study a number of units over the year. The units are developmental, building on previous knowledge and experience and taking into account the children’s age and understanding.

Each term, assessment is completed in two areas for RE. For National assessment, two focus children are tracked throughout the phase and evidence is collected towards the national targets for RE assessment. For Diocesan assessment, a traffic light system is used to assess every child in school. Within that, 3 children are selected per class and evidence is collected to show how these children have met standards which match the Diocesan Assessment Schedule. This data is then analysed along with monitoring evidence to plan the next term’s focus on the improvement of RE teaching.

We enhance our RE curriculum with a number of enrichment opportunities provided across the phases that take place in the form of visitors attending school, retreats, workshops and off-site educational visits.

RE Documents

Please view the additional documents in school:

  • RE Skills Progression
  • RE Vocabulary Progression
  • RE Unit Markers
