Questions for EYFS/KS1 Children:

Draw on Knowledge of Vocabulary to Understand Texts

  • What does this… word/phrase/sentence… tell you about… character/setting/mood etc?
  • Highlight a key phrase or line. By using this word, what effect has the author created?
  • In the story, ‘x’ is mentioned a lot. Why?
  • The writer uses words like … to describe …. What does this tell you about a character or setting?
  • What other words/phrases could the author have used?
  • The writer uses …words/phrases…to describe … How does this make you feel?
  • How has the writer made you and/or character feel …happy /sad/angry/ frustrated/lonely/bitter etc? Can you find those words?
  • Which words and /or phrases make you think/feel…?

Identify and Explain Key Aspects of Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts, Such as Characters, Events, Titles and Information

  • Where/when does the story take place?
  • What did s/he/it look like?
  • Who was s/he/it?
  • Where did s/he/it live?
  • Who are the characters in the book?
  • Where in the book would you find…?
  • What do you think is happening here?
  • What happened in the story?
  • What might this mean?
  • Through whose eyes is the story told?
  • Which part of the story best describes the setting?
  • What part of the story do you like best?
  • What evidence do you have to justify your opinion?
  • Find, it. Prove it.
  • How do the title/contents page/chapter headings/glossary/index… help me find information in this book?
  • Which part of the text should I use to find…?
  • Why has the author organised the information like this?

Greater Depth Questioning: Use a synonym instead of the word in the text and also a synonym in the distractors

Eg Text: She will be surprised thought Handa as she set off for Akeyo’s village. Where did Handa leave for?

Identify and Explain the Sequence of Events in Texts

  • What happens first in the story?
  • Use three sentences to describe the beginning, middle and end of this text?
  • You’ve got ‘x’ words; sum up this story.
  • Sort these sentences/paragraphs/chapter headings from the story
  • Make a table/chart to show what happens in different parts of the story
  • Why does the main character do ‘x’ in the middle of the story?
  • How does the hero save the day in the story?

Make Inferences from the Text

  • What makes you think that?
  • Which words give you that impression?
  • How do you feel about…?
  • Can you explain why…?
  • I wonder what the writer intended?
  • I wonder why the writer decided to…?
  • What do these words mean and why do you think the author chose them?

Predict what Might Happen on the Basis of what has Been Read so Far

  • Look at the cover/title/first line/chapter headings…what do you think will happen next? How have the cover/title/first line/chapter headings…helped you come up with this idea?
  • What do you think will happen to the goodie/baddie/main character? Why do you think this?
  • What will happen next? Why do you think this? Are there any clues in the text?
  • Can you think of another story, which has a similar theme; e.g. good over evil; weak over strong; wise over foolish? Do you think this story will go the same way?
  • Which stories have openings like this? Do you think this story will develop in the same way?
  • Why did the author choose this setting? How will that effect what happens next?
  • How is character X like someone you know? Do you think they will react in the same way?

Questions for KS2 Children:

Give/Explain the Meaning of Words in Context

  • The writer uses words like … to describe …. What does this suggest about… (character/setting)?
  • What other words/phrases could the author have used?
  • Which word most closely matches the meaning of the word x?
  • The writer uses …words/phrases…to describe … How does this make you feel?
  • Which of these words…… is a synonym for (choose a word from the text)?
  • Find and copy one word meaning……
  • Give the meaning of the word…… in this sentence
  • Circle the correct option to complete this sentence (provide synonyms/phrases with similar meanings to replace at the end of the sentence)
  • What does this phrase mean? (idiomatic or figurative language)

Greater Depth Questioning

  1. Find and copy questions
  2. Questions involving more complex vocabulary and in particular around the meaning of phrases such as idioms/figurative language

Also the greater depth student will be able to use meaning seeking strategies to work out the meaning of unknown words/phrases: What do you think (the unknown word) means and why?

Retrieve and Record Information/Identify Key Details from Fiction and Non-Fiction

  • Where/when does the story take place?
  • What did s/he/it look like?
  • Where did s/he/it live?
  • Who are the characters in the book?
  • Where in the book would you find…?
  • What is happening at this point in the text?
  • What happened in the story?
  • Through whose eyes is the story told?
  • Which part of the story best describes the setting?
  • What part of the story do you like best? Find evidence to support your opinion.
  • What evidence do you have to justify your opinion?
  • Write down 3 things you are told about … (character/setting/subject of the text)
  • What was revealed at …. (beginning, middle, end, paragraph)
  • Which of these statements is true/false?

Greater Depth Questioning

  1. What 2/3 (rather than one) things are you told about a character or a setting
  2. Questions which require you to look across a page or the whole text

Make Inferences from the Text/Explain and Justify Inferences with Evidence from the Text

  • What makes you think that?
  • Which words give you that impression?
  • How can you tell that…?
  • Can you explain why…?
  • Explain what x (phrase with challenging vocabulary) suggests about x.
  • What does this… word/phrase/sentence… imply about… (character/setting/mood)?

Greater Depth Questioning

  1. Explanations are detailed, using evidence from the text (The 2 or 3 mark questions)
  2. Decide if the following statements are fact or opinion
  3. Explain (using evidence from the text) how someone’s character/a setting may appeal to readers


  • What does a paragraph tell you about a character/setting? Explain 2 features giving evidence from the text.
  • How is someone/something made to seem an adjective? Explain 2 ways giving evidence from the text.
  • What evidence in the text that something/someone is an adjective. Give 2 examples

Predict what Might Happen from Details Stated and Implied

  • Can you think of another story, which has a similar theme; e.g. good over evil; weak over strong; wise over foolish? Do you think this story will go the same way?
  • Do you know of another story which deals with the same issues; e.g. social; moral; cultural? Could this happen in this story?
  • Which other author handles time in this way; e.g. flashbacks; dreams?
  • Which stories have openings like this? Do you think this story will develop in the same way?
  • Why did the author choose this setting? Will that influence how the story develops?
  • How is character X like someone you know? Do you think they will react in the same way?
  • Do you think x will happen? Tick one (from yes/no/maybe). Explain your answer with evidence from the text.

Greater Depth Questioning

  1. Giving evidence (from the text) for your predictions. Eg What will happen next?  Do you think that someone will do/act differently in the future? Explain your choice fully using evidence from the text

Identify/Explain how Information/Narrative Content is Related and Contributes to Meaning as a Whole

  • Explain why a character did something.
  • Explain a character’s different/changing feelings throughout a story. How do you know?
  • What are the clues that a character is liked/disliked/envied/feared/loved/hated etc…?
  • What is similar/different about two characters?
  • Why is ‘x’ (character/setting/event) important in the story?
  • What is the story (theme) underneath the story? Does this story have a moral or a message?
  • Why do you think the author chose to use a… question/bullet/subheading/table etc to present the information?
  • How does the title/layout encourage you to read on/find information?
  • Where does it tell you that… (could be information contained in headings/glossaries/labels etc.)?
  • Why has the writer written/organised the text in this way?
  • In what ways do the illustrations support the instructions?
  • How could these instructions/information/illustrations be improved?
  • Draw lines to match each part of the text to the correct quotation.

Greater Depth Questioning

Identify when a character’s mood/feelings change in the text as a whole? Give evidence from the text to justify your answer

Identify/Explain how Meaning is Enhanced Through Choice of Words and Phrases

  • What does the word ‘x’ tell you about ‘y’?
  • Find two or three ways that the writer tells you ‘x’.
  • What does this… word/phrase/sentence… tell you about… character/setting/mood etc?
  • Highlight a key phrase or line. By writing a line in this way what effect has the author created?
  • In the story, ‘x’ is mentioned a lot. Why?
  • The writer uses words like … to describe …. What does this tell you about a character or setting?
  • What other words/phrases could the author have used?
  • The writer uses …words/phrases to describe … How does this make you feel?
  • What do you think the writer meant by… ‘x’?
  • Which words do you think are most important? Why?
  • Which words do you like the best? Why?
  • The author makes an action/description ‘like’ something else. Why?
  • The author states that ‘x’ is something it isn’t. What is the effect of this? Why have they done this?
  • Highlight a key phrase or line. By writing a line in this way what effect has the author created?
  • How has the writer made you and/or character feel …happy /sad/angry/ frustrated/lonely/bitter etc?
  • What do these words mean and why do you think the author chose them?
  • What impression do these words… give you about… (use a synonym for the previous words)?

Greater Depth Questioning

  1. Give two impressions that a particular phrase gives  Eg they crossed the glassy surface of the lake. Give two impressions this gives you of the water.
  2. What particular words or phrases has the writer used to create a mood eg sad, cold, relaxed etc?

Make Comparisons Within the Text

  • Describe different characters’ reactions to the same event in a story.
  • How is it similar to …?
  • How is it different to …?
  • Is it as good as …?
  • Which is better and why?
  • Compare and contrast different character/settings/themes in the text
  • What do you think about the way information is organised in different parts of the text? Is there a reason for why this has been done

Greater Depth Questioning

  1. Give evidence from the text to justify your answers.   Eg Out of a choice of 2 or 3, which character is ………braver/stronger etc……….?  Give evidence from the text to justify your answers