English lessons are text-based and all classes have focus texts which they will study throughout the year. These range from traditional tales up to ‘Carrie’s War’ in Year 6. Each class have a set of class texts that reflect our tailored curriculum and links to our curriculum drivers. Have a look at the class pages to see what text each year group are focusing on each half term.
Each classroom has an ‘Active Vocabulary’ display where classes activate the meaning of words from the texts they are looking at in class. These words are put into context and the meaning understood to allow our children to use this vocabulary in their writing. Each class also has a vocabulary box: once words are activated in different lessons they are placed in the box. They words will be reviewed in English lessons and cross curriculum lessons regularly throughout the year. So that vocabulary is ‘taught’ and ‘caught’ enabling children to remember vocabulary taught from each term and are recapped and revisited regularly
Every classroom from Reception to Year 6 displays an English Learning Journey Display. This is a working wall to show the key skills the children are learning linked to their English Unit. We always display key vocabulary and show children’s work and the end result – a fantastic piece of Extended Writing.
- Reception
- Reception
- Year 1
- Year 2
- Year 3
- Year 4
- Year 5
- Year 6