There may be extremely rare occasions when we will need to deliver education remotely. Examples of these occasions could be:
- School being closed due to severe weather (e.g. snow)
- Loss of power or a water leak for a sustained period of time
- Being asked to close as a precaution by Public Health
Mrs Minihane, our Principal, has responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education, including that provision meets expectations for remote education. Mrs Smith, our Vice Principal, has responsibility for monitoring the engagement of remote education.
Our Remote Education Policy can be viewed on our Policies page, which can be found here.
Our Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents can be found here.
Curriculum Offer
The same curriculum will be offered to any children on site and to those who are accessing remote education. This curriculum offer follows the same sequence of learning as outlined in our whole school long term plans (which can be viewed on the curriculum pages of this website). However, there may be some slight adaptations in some subjects to ensure lessons can be accessed with limited equipment at home. For example, PE, Design and Technology, Art and Science will be planned with this in mind, but still ensuring that key knowledge and progression of learning is in place.
Digital Platform
Google Classroom will be used by our teaching staff to share lessons (pre-recorded and live), independent tasks, announcements/communication with their classes and to provide daily feedback.
Daily Learning Time
Whilst children are accessing remote education, we expect daily lessons and learning activities delivered and prepared by our teachers to take pupils the minimum of:
- EYFS: Nursery 1.5 hours
- EYFS: Reception 2 hours
- KS1 (Y1 and Y2): 3 hours
- KS2 (Y3-Y6): 4 hours
Our Remote Education Offer
Your child will be taught remotely using a range of approaches:
- Live lessons and pre-recorded lessons set daily on Google Classroom (accessed via our school website)
- Daily phonics lessons
- Bug Club – online reading books assigned to your child and changed online weekly – these are also logged on our BoomReader app
- Oxford Owl – online phonics books which match your child’s phonic ability
- Bug Club – online comprehension activities
- MyMaths – online Maths activities linked to independent tasks set in live or pre-recorded lessons
- Times Table Rockstars
- Numbots
- Links to other educational websites (Eg. BBC Bitesize) linked to the year group’s area of learning (the link is accessed via Google Classroom)
- Learning Village – EAL pupils
- Language Angels – MFL
Pupils with Additional Needs
We continue to support pupils with SEND or pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) through our remote education programme to ensure progress continues to be made.
This is through a variety of ways:
- Weekly contact with the school SENCo
- Clear scaffolded tasks in live or pre-recorded lessons on Google Classroom
- Access to specific subscriptions/online programmes which are targeted for your child (E.g. IDL or Learning Village)
- Separate Google Classroom areas for each child with SEND with a range of work/activities based on current ITP targets
- Live intervention sessions via Google Meet – arranged by the SENCo/your child’s class teacher (e.g. guided reading, catch-up phonics, number work etc)
If you have any urgent queries regarding remote education or access to the internet/devices, please contact school or email the year group email address and we will get back to you promptly for further support.
Our robust safeguarding procedures remain in place for all children in our care.
Please see the following documents for further details:
- Safeguarding Policy
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Remote Education Policy
- Online Safety (E-Learning Policy)
- E-Learning and Home Learning Safeguarding Expectations
- Live Lessons Expectations
Pupil Expectations
- Make sure you are up, dressed and have had your breakfast ready to start learning at home. Your lessons (live or pre-recorded) will start at 9am.
- Try to find a quiet, calm area at home to work.
- Make sure you have your device set up ready to start your learning (you may need to ask your parent to help you with this).
- Remember: learning remotely is no different to learning in school (apart from your environment and using a device more often) – you can do this!
- Try your best and if you get stuck, remember the different ‘self-help’ tips your teachers remind you about in school.
- At the start of each live lesson, your teacher will remind you of rules and expectations.
Parent Expectations – in addition, please view the live lessons expectations here
- Your child/ren should access Google Classroom every day where required – they need your support to do this. We have ensured that live lessons do not clash with other siblings in different year groups to make it more manageable for you.
- Your child/ren should watch their teacher’s welcome video on Google Classroom to help them access the work set that day.
- Set a routine for school work with your child. Know when the live lessons of the day are and plan the day from there – make sure breaks and time away from the screen are planned in – this is very important.
- We expect work set to be completed on the day it is set, and wherever possible within the school working day, this is the best routine to stick to, to keep some normality.
- Work handed in after midnight of the day set, may not be marked by the teacher – we expect all parents to appreciate that each class teacher is teaching children remotely and on site at the same time.
- Parental feedback about how things are going will help us support your child or you, ask for help when you need it and we will be more than happy to support.
- We do recognise households may be sharing devices and have other work commitments, so if you need to hand in work via Google Classroom late in the evening, please email the class teacher (via the year group email address) and they will be more than happy to support.
Additional Resources for Remote Education
Please click on the icons below!
- Live Session Every Wednesday at 1pm