November 2024

A huge thank you to all of our families who contributed to the parent voice survey in November 2024.

Here are the findings and actions.

Areas which you feel are successful in school:

  • 97% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that their child is happy at St Mary’s.
  • 98% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that their family feels welcome at St Mary’s.
  • 99% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that their child feels safe at St Mary’s.
  • 97% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that their child enjoys learning at St Mary’s.
  • 97% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that communication is good and they are well informed of all aspects of school life.
  • 99% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that the curriculum reflects inclusion, diversity and equality and promotes our British Values.
  • 96% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that the school makes sure its pupils are well behaved and supports them to do this.
  • 96% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that the school has high expectations for its pupils.
  • 98% of parents/carers strongly agree or agree that St Mary’s encourages a healthy lifestyle, including a focus on mental health.
Areas you would like to see developed
Our actions
More after-school activity clubs for younger year groups. There are three clubs across the week for children in Y1 and Y2 in the Spring term, but we will make sure we offer more sports clubs to Y1 and Y2 in the Summer term.
A few parents are unsure of what their children are eating for lunch. The menu from Caterlink is on our school website under the ‘Parent/Carer’ tab. Please see the link to the menu here:
A few parents are unsure about the Computing curriculum and how children are taught to stay safe online. There is a separate page for each subject in our curriculum. Please view our Computing curriculum page here:
Please also see the e-safety and PSHE pages on our website for further information of how our children are taught to stay safe online:
One parent/carer has asked how to access information regarding the curriculum. Our curriculum maps for each year group are shared with all parents/carers every half term. These are also on the school website, along with separate curriculum pages which outline the key learning for all year groups. There is a ‘curriculum’ tab at the top our our website which contains lots of information: