Larks and Owls Breakfast and After School Club

Our breakfast club is called ‘Larks’ and our after school club is called ‘Owls’.

Please see the times and prices for our Larks and Owls clubs:

  • At Larks, breakfast on offer will be: fruit, milk, cereal and toast.
  • Please note: there is no food provided at Owls but you are welcome to provide a healthy snack for your child if you wish – examples of these may be: fruit, breadsticks, rice cakes, snack bar, sandwich (please remember we are a nut-free school).
  • If your child is attending Owls after an extra-curricular activity club, the above charges still stand.
  • A late charge will be incurred of £10 for every 15 minutes after a child is not collected from 5.50pm. If there are persistent late collections, unfortunately the service will no longer be available to you.

IMPORTANT: If you have not booked your child onto Owls after school club and you are late collecting them at the end of the normal school day, your child will be sent to Owls and the charges above will be added to your ParentPay account.

Booking onto Larks and Owls

Parents/Carers will need to book your child’s place via Arbor – this can be done using the app or online log-in.

The app looks like this:

We request that bookings are made in advance (to allow us to organise appropriate staffing) but we understand that in certain circumstances, you may need to book on the day – in which case, we will accept bookings on Arbor up until 2.15pm on the day required.

Payment of Larks and Owls

Payments for Larks and Owls will be via Arbor.

Once your booking has been made on Arbor to secure your child’s place, you can top up your account so that you stay in credit using ‘payments’ in Arbor. If your accounts fall into debt, you will no longer be able to use the wraparound service and the option to book via the Arbor app will be removed from your account.