At St Mary’s we have special class names which have been chosen by the children. Originally, we had famous people from the past who had led inspirational lives. However, there was not a fair mix of genders, backgrounds, jobs and cultures represented.
We asked the children to suggest inspirational people that they would like to see the classes named after and they came up with some great ideas!
Here are our class names…
Nursery Hargreaves
Reception Donaldson
Reception Scheffler
Y1 Peake
Y1 Sharman
Y2 Lewis
Y2 Rashford
Y3 Cambridge
Y3 Windsor
Y4 Mandela
Y4 Harris
Y5 Thunberg
Y5 Malala
Y6 Attenborough
Y6 Moore
Look at our amazing classroom doors which have been decorated to showcase our class names!
- Nursery Hargreaves
- Reception Donaldson
- Reception Scheffler
- 1 Peake
- 1 Sharman
- 2 Lewis
- 2 Rashford
- 3 Cambridge
- 3 Windsor
- 4 Harris
- 4 Mandela
- 5 Malala
- 5 Thunberg
- 6 Attenborough
- 6 Moore