Our Mission through our Learning Environment

Our Mission is lived out through all aspects of our school life here at St Mary’s. Please view our latest displays in our corridor which explain our mission to children and visitors, reminding us how to put our faith into action.

By following in the footsteps of Jesus, we always try to be the best version of ourselves using our God-given gifts and talents in all that we do in school, our parish and at home. We show compassion to others through our kind actions, showing that we value each other. We work with our school to raise money or offer support to those in need in our own community or beyond, just as Jesus showed his love for others by serving the poor, the sick and the distressed.

God calls us to be with the people we serve. We are called to share love with all of those around us, as Jesus called us to love God and to love others – embracing our uniqueness and differences in all aspects of our lives.

We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. Through the spirit of Jesus Christ in our actions linked to our Eco-Schools initiative, we support and encourage our community, and beyond, to care for the gifts of God’s creation by looking after our school and local environment for the future generations.

God holds the whole world, and the people in it, in His hands so we must all follow in the spirit of Jesus by caring for everyone and everything equally that God has created. God protects and cares for all things which he has made so we are called to do the same – through our words with each other, through our actions and through our prayers.

Throughout the liturgical year, we have many opportunities to celebrate various events in the life of Jesus Christ, the feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints. The mystery of Christ, unfolded through the cycle of the year, calls us to live his mystery in our own lives.

St Mary’s serves a vibrant, rich diverse Catholic community and encourages reflection on how we are all made in the image of God. Care and respect for individual differences is very much at the heart of our ethos. Mary loved and cared for Jesus as his mother. Through our words and actions of our daily prayers, we pray to Our Lady to ask her to intercede them so that we can ask for help, guidance, forgiveness or thanks – following in the spirit of Jesus.

We support and encourage our community to care for God’s creation by looking after our school and local environment and working on our Eco-Schools initiative. We are called to follow Jesus through our actions as stewards of God’s creation and through our words of thanks for His gift of the world around us.

Singing is an important part of who we are and who God created us to be. We’re all wired uniquely. We have different gifts, strengths and favourite styles of music. Scripture encourages us to find the music that allows our hearts to sing and connect to God.
When we sing hymns with our heart, they become a prayer. Prayer is one of the ways we bring our souls into communion with God, which always involves the Spirit – renewing and strengthening us.

To follow Jesus is to become like Him. We believe in Jesus and have chosen to follow Him. To be a Catholic, is to be a disciple – someone who follows Jesus. When we follow Jesus in our lives today: in what we think; in what we say; in what we do; our everyday life can change. We can have peace, instead of worry. We can have joy, instead of sadness. We can have a life overflowing with love and hope, with a firm foundation of who we are. A life all about Jesus, all because of Jesus.

Through our learning across our whole curriculum, we know that each of us is made in God’s image, which means every person has an innate human dignity that no one can take away. At St Mary’s, we recognise the human dignity in others by: being respectful; raising awareness of our rights; preferential option for the vulnerable; treating others fairly and equally.

Our house saints lived the fruits of the spirit and are examples of the living Christ. Every follower of Christ is a saint and Pope Francis told us that “We are all called to be saints… and it is by living with love and offering Christian witness in our daily tasks (in our words and actions) that we are called to become saints…”

Pope Francis and other Catholic leaders have been called to fulfil their vocation to be living servants of God and humanity. Who is God calling you to be?

St Mary’s serves a vibrant multi-cultural and multi-faith community where care and respect for individual differences is very much at the heart of our ethos. Every member of our school family is welcomed and valued, Catholic and non-Catholics alike. We show respect to everyone because we value everyone in the name of Jesus Christ.

When God designed the world, He created so much variety that can be seen throughout nature. He also gave human beings difference from each other. From our physical attributes and personality traits to our interests and talents, each person has unique characteristics that make them different. At St Mary’s, we celebrate our differences as we learn and grow together in all aspects of school life. No matter our difference in viewpoints, backgrounds or personalities, we are called to be like minded and loving to each other through our unity in Christ.

We are all encouraged to use our gifts and talents from God, such as through sport, the arts, languages and science – and to always try our hardest and persevere in all aspects of life. We are called to follow Jesus by creating a spirit of teamwork amongst our friends, working together towards our common goal, with nobody operating on their own. As Catholics, we strive to live up to the example set by Jesus, to live up to his call. We should always try to work together and stay united, following the example of the Trinity and of the Body of Christ. And as we watch our favourite football team or represent St Mary’s on the pitch, let it remind us to always work together as a team for the common good.

St Mary’s Bambinellis

The Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) has for many years been the day when the children of Rome bring the figurines of Baby Jesus from their family cribs to St. Peter’s Square to be blessed by the Pope during the Angelus. The day is affectionately known as “Bambinelli Sunday.” Children at St Mary’s designed their own Bambinelli, which were blessed by Fr Goodman and taken home to help them remember the reason for the season.

Please view our pictures here.

God’s Planet Day

Operation Christmas Child

Harvest Collection

Our Catholic School

Our Mary Displays

Our Stations of the Cross Displays