Welcome to our school, on behalf of our children, staff and governors.
St Mary’s is a Catholic school where we work, learn and grow together in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ by following our Mission Statement:
“The Spirit of Jesus Christ in our heads, hearts, words and actions, where we learn and grow together.”
As a parent/ carer, you want your child to feel safe, secure and happy at school. At St Mary’s, we are all dedicated to encourage, support and challenge every single young person we serve by providing the best possible education.
St Mary’s is a place where our children are offered stability and enrichment to learn effectively - and our aim is that they develop into well rounded, responsible, respectful and kind, young people.
We are proud of the very good relationships we have with our parents and carers, and our school has a very strong ‘family feel’ which is reflected in the good relationships that exist between our supportive governors, parents, staff and children.
We are also fortunate to be part of St Francis and St Clare Multi Academy Company - a larger group of schools operating in our local area. This gives us fantastic opportunities to work collaboratively with other professionals to provide an exciting education for all children we serve. Being part of our MAC enables many of our children to continue their journey of education into our feeder secondary schools which provides consistency of our ethos and values, as well as consistency of many aspects of the curriculum.
I hope you enjoy navigating around our website, especially when viewing the wonderful achievements of our children!
If you have any further enquiries, please make contact with our school office and we will be happy to assist you or offer a tour of our school to any prospective children and parents/carers.
Mrs V Minihane
The leadership structure of St Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy is a Principal and two Vice Principals.
The Principal is Mrs V Minihane and the Vice Principals are Mrs S Smith and Mrs K Cox.

Mrs V Minihane

Mrs S Smith
Vice Principal

Mrs K Cox
Vice Principal