Our Nursery Provision

Here at St Mary’s, we offer three different nursery session times;

  • 22 spaces for morning sessions: 8:35am – 11:35am
  • 22 spaces for afternoon sessions: 12:30pm – 3:30pm
  • An additional 8 spaces for children who are eligible to receive ‘30 hours funded childcare’. For more information and to check eligibility please click here

If you would like to apply for a nursery place for your child, you can email: stmarysprimaryschool@wolverhampton.gov.uk or you can visit the school office and complete a ‘Nursery Expression of Interest Form’. This can be done at any time after your child’s birth and will be confidentially filed until places are allocated.

Children usually start in our nursery in the September after they have turned three years old. You will be contacted to start the admissions process in April, prior to your child starting in September. For families wanting a 30 hours place, we will also need a valid code before we can process your application.

Please see our Admissions Policy here for our admissions criteria. Please note: admission to our nursery DOES NOT guarantee a place for your child into our reception cohort – this is a separate admissions process which is conducted through Wolverhampton City Council.

General Information

In Nursery, your child will learn through topic-based activities and initiate their own learning through play. We also encourage children to be as independent as possible and follow their interests.

The curriculum we follow is based on ‘Development Matters’. This is the curriculum guidance for children in childcare provision, playgroups, nurseries and reception classes. It aims to provide children with rich, play-based learning that enhances communication and widens their experiences. It provides teachers and practitioners with age-related expectations and targets for seven different areas of learning.

These are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Our Indoor Nursery Learning Environment

Please see photos of our nursery setting:

Our Outdoor Nursery Learning Environment

For further information and specific curriculum details please see our EYFS page here.