St Francis and St Clare Legal Documents
Governance Arrangements
Board of Directors
Dr Chris Walker - Chair | Mrs Margaret Casey - Chair |
Ms Geraldine Walker - Vice Chair | Mr Antony Whitehurst - Vice Chair |
Mrs Marie-Nicole Anderton | Mrs Hayley Carden |
Mgr Canon Mark Crisp | Mrs Sara Cooke |
Mr Richard Morgan | Mr Thomas Dorman |
Mrs Ann Shorthouse | Mrs Rachael Edionhon |
Mr Michael Ewing | |
Dr Robert Grinsted | |
Mrs Vicky Minihane - Principal | |
Miss Christine O'Toole | |
Mrs Charleen Shill | |
Ms Geraldine Walker |

Margaret Casey
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: EYFS, Finance, Safeguarding, Attendance, Education Visits, Health & Safety and School Improvement; Chair
Margaret considers it a real privilege to be involved with St Mary's School. Having attended the school and sending her children too, she has a local knowledge and an awareness of the history surrounding the school. She has worked in the NHS as a nurse since leaving school. She really enjoys working with the staff and children; they always make her smile with their enthusiasm!

Hayley Carden
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: Maths, PE/Sports Premium and Wider Curriculum
Hayley is a Governor at both St Mary’s and OLSC. She grew up in Wolverhampton and attended both Catholic schools as named above. She left school having completed her A'levels and went onto study Sociology and Social policy at degree level. Following this, she went on to become a Probation Officer and has been in this career for over twenty years; she now works at a local prison. She has three children who now also attend both schools. She feels really passionate about education and all children being given the opportunity to develop their culture capital no matter their socioeconomic background. She attends Our Lady of Perpetual Succour church, and the Catholic ethos of our schools in teaching children to be kind and compassionate is important to her. Hayley hopes that by being a school Governor, she can give something back to the schools in the local area that helped to shape and develop her as an individual.

Sara Cooke
Type of Governor: Staff
Link Governor Role:
Sara grew up in Kings Heath in Birmingham. She attended St Dunstan's Catholic Primary School and went to St Dunstan's Church. Later, she went to St Paul's Catholic School for Girls. Her Catholic faith has always been important to her and the church youth group played a huge part in her teenage years: they went away to Assisi and Rome and would go to the youth mass at St Chad's Cathedral every month. She worked in shops while doing her A'levels but really wanted to work with children so she went to Newman College to do a teaching degree and study Theology. She has worked as a teacher at St Mary's ever since, which she loves! She has also done some holiday club work, working with children from low income families and she leads the children's Liturgy group, and has done for many years, at church. She has two grown up children of her own. She finds being a staff governor interesting as she gets to learn about the running of her school as well as the teaching and learning side of it.

Tom Dorman
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: RE and Catholic Life
My name is Tom Dorman. I was born in Wolverhampton and grew up in Bridgnorth, Shropshire where I attended St John's Catholic Primary School and Bridgnorth Endowed Secondary. I read Theology at the University of Nottingham and have a PGCE in Secondary Religious Education at the Institute of Education in London. After working for a number of years as a teacher of RE for the Archdiocese of Westminster, my family and I moved back to the West Midlands. My local Parish is St Ambrose Kidderminster, though I have a particular interest in the Liturgy. Since 2019 I have been a Teacher of Religious Education at Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy. I am married, with a daughter at primary school.

Rachael Edionhon
Type of Governor:
Link Governor Role: Maths, Art/DT
Hello, I am Rachael, one of the Parent Governors at St Mary's. I am from Nigeria and was raised as a Catholic. I have a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance, and a Masters degree in Marketing. I have previously worked in a bank and at a School. I am presently a Finance Officer with a Local Government Authority. I have four children, two of whom attended St Mary's and are now in secondary school. The younger two presently attend St Mary's. I attend St Joseph's Catholic Church, Willenhall where I serve as a Lay Reader. Having been a part of the St Mary's School Community for more than 11 years, it's a privilege and an honour to serve the School as a Parent Governor.

Michael Ewing
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: Humanities
Michael worked in the hotel trade. He worked at the Victoria Hotel, Wolverhampton from 1956 until 1963. This is how he met Margaret who was staying at the hotel. After knowing each other for just three months, they got married. They emigrated to Australia in 1969 and lived in Melbourne. Michael continued to work in the hotel trade in Australia. When the Governor General stayed in Melbourne, Michael looked after him - running errands etc. Michael and Margaret returned to England in 1988 so that Michael could look after his mother. He went back to work at the Victoria Hotel, Wolverhampton until he was made redundant in 1994.
Michael then started volunteer work at The Neil Docherty Centre, Wolverhampton where he ran social events and youth meetings. He was also the councillor for the Fallings Park ward for a term of office.
Michael collects coins and stamps. He likes watching old musicals. His favourite is ‘The Great Caruso’.
Michael has been a Foundation Governor at St Mary’s since around 1996.

Kath Gandy
Link Role: Pupil Premium
Kath was born in Dublin and crossed the water to England later that year; she has lived in England for the majority of her life, travelling back and forward to see family regularly. She spent most of her childhood at different Catholic primary schools and went to St Edmund's secondary school.
When she married, she had two children, both of whom attended St Mary's primary school (Kath says, "they have done very well in their chosen careers!"). Upon leaving school she went on a YTS scheme and then worked in a factory for a short while. She did various other jobs; worked in a post office, ran an unemployment group. Then she went to college and started work in a hostel for homeless men. When she moved on from there she went to another hostel for ex-offenders where she stayed for 30 years. Having been made redundant in 2018 she took a 6 month break before returning to work as a Housing Officer in various parts of the country. She now works in Wolverhampton as an Accommodation Officer in a mental health supported housing service, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our society.
Kath was raised as a Catholic and has attended various Catholic churches over the years, however, since her youth, her main place of worship has been Our Lady Of Perpetual Succour. Her faith is important to her. She has been a Governor at St Mary's for about 15 years now, starting out as a Parent Governor before becoming a Foundation Governor. She enjoys being part of school life and feeling that, together with other Governors, she can make a difference to our school/church and local community for a better future for all.

Rob Grinsted
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: RE and Catholic Life
Dr Rob Grinsted has been a General Practitioner in the Wolverhampton area for over 30 years. His current roles are Postgraduate Training Programme Director for Health Education England, and Clinical Appraisal Lead for NHS England, whilst also maintaining a now reduced clinical commitment in general practice. Rob has been a school Governor for over 20 years. He is an active member of the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, where he worships regularly and leads a Children’s Liturgy group during Holy Mass on Sunday mornings. Having been fortunate to have been educated in Catholic schools up to the age of 18 himself, Rob is firmly committed to maintaining and building upon the success of Catholic education in Wolverhampton.

Christine O’Toole
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: English, Humanities and School Improvement
Born and educated in Wolverhampton, Christine completed her teacher training at Newman College, Birmingham, qualifying in 1980. A 37-year successful and rewarding career followed, teaching in Wolverhampton Catholic primary schools, encompassing various roles and responsibilities. Almost 35 of those years were spent at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, where she taught until her retirement in 2017.
Four years later, she became a Foundation Governor at St Mary’s. She regularly attends St Michael’s Catholic Church in Penn. Christine enjoys country walks, exploring places of interest, visiting the theatre, and long lunches with family and friends, as well as supporting Wolves at Molineux.
As a Governor, she is committed to playing her part in supporting the continuing success of St Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy.

Charleen Shill
Type of Governor: Parent
Link Governor Role: Art, DT and MFL
"Hello I am Charleen, a Parent Governor at St Mary's. My children are currently in Year 2 and Reception. I love the family feel of St Mary's. All the staff and children are lovely."

Geraldine Walker
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: SEND, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Geraldine has long links with St Mary's school which she and her siblings attended. She was delighted to be appointed as a Foundation Governor on the Governing Body in 2000. Over the years she has chaired the Finance Sub Committee, and been involved in a variety of link governor roles including Governor Training, RE/Catholic life, Science and SEND giving her an understanding of the breadth and quality of the education provided to our pupils. She is a strong believer in the mission and ethos of Catholic Education from 3-19, and values the close links with the nearby Catholic secondary school and the St Francis and St Clare Catholic MAC.

Tony Whitehurst
Type of Governor: Foundation
Link Governor Role: Computing, Music, Science and Health & Safety; Vice Chair
Tony was a Civil Engineer by profession and worked in both the private and public sectors in the west Midlands and Shropshire areas. He is now retired. Appointed a Foundation Governor at St Mary's in 1985, Tony served on and chaired various committees eventually becoming Chair of Governors in 2006. He stepped down from that position and became Vice Chair when St Mary's became part of the St Francis & St Clare Catholic MAC in 2019. Tony has also served as a Governor at three other schools and was appointed a Director for the former Pope John XXIII MC.
Having had the privilege of a Catholic education (including at St Mary's) Tony is keen that other children should have the same opportunity of a sound education in a Catholic environment. Tony is a member of the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour where he is a Reader of the Word.