We have received a national attendance award for the academic year 2023-24! This award has been given out to schools with attendance in the top 10% of FFT (Fischer Family Trust) schools nationally.


Our Attendance Figures This Week

Children are expected to attend school regularly and punctually

The Department for Education (DfE) clearly states: ‘Central to raising standards in Education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated – pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.’

Our aim at St Mary’s is for our whole school attendance to be 100% – absence from school impacts on pupil attainment and progress.

Absence Procedures

Parents/Carers must contact the school as early as possible on the first day of their child’s absence and every subsequent day of absence – updating the school on their child’s condition and expected day of return.

Parents/Carers are asked to contact school on 01902 308870, ideally before 8.30am with a reason for absence.

Following our safeguarding procedures, a daily phone call or text message is sent to the parent/carer of any absent children ( if they have not reported their child’s absence).

If contact cannot be made with parent/carer, a home visit may be carried out by the Wellbeing, Attendance and Intervention Coordinator and other agencies (such as the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer) may be informed where necessary.

In the case of regular absence or continued absence, we may request for medical evidence for proof of absence. This evidence may include:

  •   GP appointment card (name/date/time clearly stated)
  •   Prescription
  •   Medical packaging with name of child on.
  •   Medication.
  •   Hospital letter/appointment letter.

Arrangements will be made for parents/carers to meet with Miss Blake/Mrs Mongiovi, our pastoral team, in school and an attendance support plan may be initiated. In addition, we will follow our support-first approach, which may mean implementing early help support for the family. In severe cases of absence, a meeting with Mrs Minhane, the Principal, will be requested.


Punctuality is of the utmost importance and lateness will not be tolerated. ‘Walk into Learning’ starts from 8.35am and all pupils (Reception to Y6) should be in their classroom by 8.50am at the latest – ready for learning. After 8:50am, children will be marked as late.


As far as possible, parents/carers should attempt to book medical and dental appointments outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, appointment cards or letters should be brought to school to enable authorisation of absence.

If the appointment requires the pupil to leave during the school day, they must be signed out by a parent/carer and signed back in on their return. Pupils must attend school before and after the appointment where possible. A whole day’s absence for a medical appointment (which takes place in the morning) will not be authorised – as we would expect the pupil to return for the afternoon session.

Religious Observance

The school will take advice from Wolverhampton City Council and local religious leaders of all faiths to establish the appropriate number of days required for religious festivals.

Parents are required to inform the school in advance if absences are required for days of religious observance.

Leave of absence during term time

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy, our aim is to prepare pupils for their future lives and careers. With this in mind, we require parents/carers to observe the school holidays as prescribed.

Schools can only grant leave of absence where an application is made in advance by a parent the pupil normally lives with (or the pupil if they will be over compulsory school age by the time of the absence), and the school is satisfied that, based on the individual facts of the case, there are exceptional circumstances which justify the leave – Department for Education (August 2024) “Working Together to Improve School Attendance.”

Parents/Carers must inform the school at least one week in advance if absences are required for days of religious observance.

Parents/Carers must inform the school, using the form provided, at least two weeks in advance for any leave of absence requests.

Any requests for leave will be considered on an individual basis.

From 19th August 2024, new attendance legislation regarding school leave of absence and holidays came into effect. This means that there were some changes to the approach taken towards leave of absence, including holidays in term time and how the local authority processes them. Please take time to read the guidance from the Department for Education here.

Firstly, we want all parents and carers to know that we understand some leave of absences cannot be helped and there are several circumstances where your child/children will need time off school due to emergencies. We want to make sure everyone is aware of our support-first approach, whereby we try to liaise with parents to come to an agreement if a leave needs to be taken.

From 19th August 2024, the penalty notice was increased from £60 to £80 per parent/carer per child. If not paid within 28 days, the penalty notice will increase from £120 to £160.

Authorised absences are when children are absent through illness or family circumstances, about which parents have informed the school and the school has agreed. Absences for other reasons must receive the Principal’s permission, otherwise they will be recorded as unauthorised. All requests for absence and the reply are kept in our attendance monitoring file. If a request is not received in time, it may mean that the absence is recorded as unauthorised on the register.

Current law now requires school to note on the child’s record any unauthorised absences. Attendance rates are published and the information forms part of the league table of schools. All attendance and punctuality figures are shared with parents/carers for their child on the mid-year and end of year school report.

If any parent/carer would like to discuss any issues relating to attendance, please contact the pastoral team – Miss Blake/Mrs Mongiovi, or the Principal – Mrs Minihane.

Please view our Attendance Policy on our Policies page here.
